Thursday, July 3, 2008

Small Intro

I am excited to be here, on a new blog site. I will miss my friends over at homeschool blogger but wanted to get started over here as well. My oldest, very 'puter knowledgeable daughter is working at getting me moved over. She has spent many hours already getting moved over what is here.

First I thought that it'd be good to tell a little about myself. I am a late 30s mom of six children and we are due to have another one in ten weeks or so. We are homeschoolers who are currently finishing up a home addition to our home. I guess the term home addition can be used loosely as to us it's more like adding a house onto a house. We have nearly doubled our living space. Praise the Lord~! Hopefully next week or so we can call for a final inspection and begin our journey of moving half of the old house over to the new part. I can hear this old part moaning in relief already!

I guess it'd be wise to tell a little of what I usually blog about. I blog a lot on the simple glimpses of our life, along with grocery menus, budgeting, home addition news and the like. I am also recovering from a broken finger so typing is really giving my finger therapy to regain momentum and strength. I will be very happy for you to comment as you'd like as well.

May the Lord bless you in your reading of our family life and my striving to be a better wife and mother.

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