Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Monday!

I hope that everyone had a great Monday! We sure did. We had special friends to come and see us. They brought us a "present"...a rooster! We hope to have him with us for a very long time. He's beautiful and seems so good! We are hoping now for our hens to be able to have many chicks. We have one broody hen now but that poor thing won't be able to have chicks without a "daddy". Well, now she can, thanks to Chuck!

Anyway, so we were able to visit with our friends, Mary Jane(see blog in sidebar) and her son, Matt. They are fellow homeschoolers as well. Well, actually Matt is in college now but they did homeschool. : )

After their fun visit I made the children some lunch and got the little ones down for a nap.... err....wait a minute. I took a nap too! Ha! Then I got the boys busy with yard work and pet care. Brittany helped with supper and Bethany helped with cleanup and setting the table. After supper cleanup we had devotions, baths, teeth brushing and goodnight time! So here we are.

Tomorrow my mom is coming over to watch the youngers as I take Brittany to the oral surgeon to talk about Brittany's wisdom teeth removal. We will see when this takes place tomorrow.

After that we'll have lunch, nap time for the little and school time for the bigger ones. I will work with reading and math with the middle ones, Lord willing!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just wanted to say when my son had his wisdom teeth out, he sat in the recliner for the rest of the day, took ibuprofen every four hours, but mostly, it was the diligent icing of his cheeks with cold packs which helped the most. I think he even propped them up when he dozed off.