Monday, December 20, 2010

Monday, 12/20

Today was a good day. After James headed off to work, I started a load of laundry. I keep reminding myself to put up our indoor clothes line so I don't use the dryer. That way on bad weather days I can still hang our wash. It's been fairly cold and while I like to get wash started early, I'm not up for hanging wash in freezing weather. :) Breakfast was leftover muffins from yesterday morning and fresh fruit. The fruit was given to us by a precious couple in our church. They have done this for many years.

The morning was really easy as we are out of school for Christmas break. I got me and three of the girls ready to go run some errands. I had two of the boys stay with our oldest, Brittany, as she is trying to get over bronchitis. She and I missed church yesterday for this reason as well.

We went and visited my parents for a bit. I had coffee, sat and talked with them for a good while. I saw my youngest sister as well. She is home from college. My mom gave us a new cookbook of which I will enjoy digging through to find new treasures to cook. :)

After leaving their house we stopped by the library to drop some books off, went to the bank and then to Reid's for a few essentials. While in Reid's this man, of which is far out in left field, approached us. He spoke of Jesus so initially of course I smiled. He then told me that Jesus was born on Christmas day and he could prove it. Ummmm....okay! He gave me a pamphlet on that. Then he told me that if I ever needed him to pray for anything I had to call him. I told him that I have direct access to the Lord but thank you anyway. He told me that he was more righteous than I and he then said that he bet I don't get down on my knees and pray 3 hours each morning like he does. YIKES. He asked me what denomination I was. I told him Baptist. I ask him what church is a part of. He isn't a part of any church. He grew up Baptist, went to a Methodist church a while but now just goes to a service here and there. He did say that he visited a church down the road yesterday but they took his arm and escorted him out as they didn't like his preaching. Wowser. Visits to the stores are beginning to make me want to stay home and not leave. :)

After we left there we stopped in at Walgreen's as they had eggs on sale. We are getting an egg every day or two from our hens but that's not near enough for us. I need to put out a light so that they will lay more.

The rest of the afternoon was spent eating a late lunch and having a nap.Looks like we'll have spaghetti bake tomorrow as the sauce keeps "growing" and I don't want it to go to waste. We're saving money so that's good! I spent some time reading a new blog of which I may share later. I really am enjoying reading of this lady's days. :) Then I began supper. We had crockpot roast, brown gravy(from roast drippings) over rice, simple salad and fried okra(frozen from summer). The kitchen needed a good once over so I worked at that and doing a final load of laundry.

James had another long day at work. He got home at 9:00pm again. I feel so bad for him having to work so much. On top of his regular employment he does side jobs in HVAC. With the frigid weather, he's in high demand for that as well.

Once the children were able to spend time with him, they brushed teeth, changed into jammies and headed to bed. All was quiet for us and it wasn't long before we followed suit. Another day will be here soon, Lord willing.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have book marked yours and will enjoy reading it.

My husband use to be in HVAC and I well remember those days in the winter and the hot days of summer. For the last 15 years he has been a maintenance mechanic at a company. They work four ten hour days, so it is long for him.

Have a great day with your family.
