Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Our Tuesday

We had a typical day for one off with school. :) We got up at 6:00am and I sent James off to work. I didn't need to make him breakfast as his employer was having one for a Christmas celebration. I ate a ham and cheese sandwich for breakfast since I didn't have to cook for James. While having that I spent some time on the computer. Then I built a fire in the wood stove, had coffee and devotions, made oatmeal bars for everyone's breakfast. I had one as well, despite already having ate. They were very tasty and the children liked them.

I had devotions with the two youngest and encouraged the older ones (who hadn't) to have their devotions as well. Then it was chore time--I emptied dish drainer, wiped down coffee table and t.v. cabinet, began laundry and folded a load that was in the dryer from yesterday.

I was able to speak with James on the phone so that was a good morning treat. :) I dusted the kitchen doorway and woodwork along with the kitchen cabinets. I was able to take the time to clean the kitchen window as well.

I was able to also speak with a friend on the phone while choring as well. I made up our lunch of spaghetti bake and put that in the oven. We had that and salad for lunch. The spaghetti dishes are now gone!

Upon being inspired by a blog that I've been reading (Cheryl!!), I hung some clothes in the living room to dry. It was cloudy and damp out today and the clothes would have never dried outside. Brittany did two more loads and hung up a load as well. I'll have to show where I hang them later, once I find the camera. :)

The youngest and I laid down for a nap and then once I got up I watched an episode of Bizarre Foods (Netflix). By that time it was time to make supper of tater-tot casserole, green beans and leftover peas. This was a treat as we haven't had that in a very long time. I was inspired to think of something healthier for tomorrow since tater-tot casserole isn't the healthiest, nor was the fried okra and brown gravy from last night. So, I rinsed two pounds of pintos and put them in the slow cooker for tomorrow night.

While the casserole was in the oven I cleaned up the hideous dining room. I had just mopped last Friday but there was spilled something or other all over the table and all over the floor. ick. So I worked at getting that cleaned up, ignoring the potting soil dumped all over the school bookshelf and chairs. That is for tomorrow as there's no time now. As soon as the mop was rinsed out from mopping, the buzzer goes off indicating the casserole was ready. I had our oldest boy stir the tea. We watched some of The Walton's while we ate. James came in from work at 7:30 but only to pick up our 11yob and head right back out to work on someone's heating unit. They live over an hour away so I knew it'd be a late night.

The dishwasher was started late this afternoon from today's earlier dishes as we were eating supper so I knew it'd have to be unloaded and reloaded before bedtime. It reminded me of allowing room for another dishwasher for one day. We are redoing the kitchen as time and money allows and we had talked of putting in an extra dishwasher to make work more light. One is a luxury and I feel kind of silly thinking of having two... still we run ours twice a day and I usually fill up the dish drainer at least twice with cookware, etc.

It was then bath time. I gave the two littlest a bath and then had to help James with driving directions over the phone so Brittany got them dressed for me.

I got on the computer a bit to do some reading while our six year old unloaded the dishwasher and then James called me back while he drove on the way home. He has to go back to fix the unit after he gets the part later.

Once he got home I began a show of Undercover Boss. We watched that together. The people James went to help gave our boys a nice race car set. They set to work putting that together but halfway through I told them they must finish tomorrow. :) It was rather late by then.

I reloaded the dishwasher, wiped things down, wrote a list of to do things for tomorrow and now it's way past my bedtime. It will be at least 11:30 before I zonk out. Tomorrow begins again to hopefully do things even better for the Lord... it'll be a new day!

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Wow! You made me tired just reading about what all you did. Isn't it great though to have the kids help out. You are training them for the future.

Our dishwasher died this past Spring and we just haven't had the money to replace it. Things keep coming up. We just wash the dishes several times a day.

I do have a dryer, but it is in the barn. I just haven't used it for years. I love hanging the clothes up outside. We have a line in the living room in front of the wood stove. I hang things up on hangers on the line. It doesn't look the best, but when company comes the line is down.

Have a great day with your children.
