Thursday, April 26, 2012


Here we are on Wednesday already! We began school back today from our spring break. We will continue for another three weeks and then call it a year except for Joy-Anna. We'll have three lessons a week of reading and math with her most of the summer, Lord willing. She loves school! Last night we did not sleep so well. James has been having and back. Mr. Stubborn He won't go see a doctor. He just called from work and says he's doing some better. We woke up the usual time and I took James to work. Since James was off for a while, he left his work truck at work and I took him to get it back. I came home and mixed up some cream cheese and the children had cream cheese and bagels for breakfast. I went ahead and put a roast in the crockpot. Then I went out to work in the garden a bit. I planted some okra, lettuce and bell pepper seed. The lettuce we planted before did not come up so hopefully this will do better. I hate buying any produce that we can grow ourselves. Speaking of produce, on Monday I cooked some poke sallet. It was the first time I had cooked it myself. My family in TN cooked it a lot while I was growing up but I had only tasted it once and didn't like it. I think that time my uncle had cooked it and it wasn't cooked enough or something. Anyway, this tasted just like spinach! Poke grows wild in the south and it toxic if not cooked well. It is ready for harvest in the spring time. I hope to pick some more before it's gone this year and freeze it. As for school this morning, Dalton worked on history, Samuel, Jesse and Bethany worked on penmanship and Joy-Anna worked on math. Not much was done for a first morning back but we'll work our way up again. I can't wait for school and final paperwork to be done! Of course, we'll be in elbow deep in gardening then so there's always something to do but at least it will be something different for a while! We'll I'll be ready for us to start school back by July. We'll take it as it comes to see when we actually will start back. At lunch the children had leftover soup and some sandwiches. I was trying to wait to eat until 3pm and made it to 2:30. In the afternoon we touched on school just a bit. It was not the progress I wanted with starting back from spring break but it is what it is. I cleaned the ceiling fan in the kitchen. I was suppose to do the one in the office too but didn't get to it. It was the day to mop the living room too but didn't get done. Perhaps tomorrow? I worked out in the garden a bit more and then came in to finish up supper. We had beef roast, mashed potatoes and green beans. Then we worked on getting out the door for church. We made it a bit late but was glad to get there. There was another great sermon on the home life again, dealing with children. We came home and watched a show on renovating an old restuarant. Then it was time for bed.


April said...

Yay for getting out of school!! We have 3 wks of school left too! It is funny how you can be so ready for it to be over and then so ready to start back:) I'm sure you will be busy with many other things this summer! it is nice to have a change of pace. Hope your lettuce does better this time!!

Cathy said...

Hi Susan,
Sure hope James will feel better with his back.
Love ya friend,