Friday, April 7, 2006

Friday, April 7, 2006

It's so good to be able to come on and post a new entry finally! Even with that I will have to hurry as my day must begin. The children are still snoozing and it's past their wakeup time. I have to keep things rolling or everything falls apart. We have started some of our new homeschool materials intended to be started next school year but we just couldn't resist! I am surprised at how much longer it's taking to do the language arts and math. These two subjects were scheduled for an hour total and it's taking two and a half hours total. That's a big difference!
Our Dalton had his first piano lesson this past Tuesday. We liked the teacher and Dalton did very well! I do hope that he can just slide through the lessons and readily learn as well as Brittany did! Wouldn't that be great? He's already choosing more instruments to play after he gets good with the piano. Anyway, a good thing about the teacher we are using is that she comes right to your house. Isn't that fabulous? It would take something like 35-40 minutes at least to get to her home but with her going house to house she's in our area anyway on Tuesdays.
With our newest schedule we get in the brunt of our schooling in the mornings, eat lunch, rest/nap, and then are up to do chores in the afternoon. I like the tasks being completely split and separate instead of all jumbled up. It's funny after eight years of homeschooling that you still come up with new and better ways to get things done!
Tonight we may be having pizza. I have some cheese to use up so I guess I better bite the bullet and make that for tonight. I'd much rather fix something simpler but oh well.
In pregnancy news, things are going so well! I can feel the baby move more all the time. I can't wait to have those good strong kicks and it's getting toward that point though. I go in this Tuesday for another appt. to the doctor and can't wait! We are to have another ultrasound and so that's exciting. I can't wait to see him/her again and see how much he/she has grown. I can't believe it's been three weeks since I've been. Time is flying. Speaking of flying... my weight is too! YIKES!!!!!!!!! I just know I am going to go over the 30lb. goal that I had set especially with going into the summer in the later months. On any account though, I will be glad for us to have our new little one in the family. I do cherish this more than ever before now and just want to see the baby safe and even just to see what he/she looks like!
We have been enjoyin this spring weather and James has the garden in! I am to water it today. Yesterday we played outside quite a bit and I was able to swing the wee ones on the swing for a while. Our four year old could have me to do this all day if I would. I wish I could but no can do. I do like playing with the youngins' and stepping into their world a while. It helps me not to be so uptight about my tasks at hand.
I hope to add in my schedule for the day soon here. I know that it's helpful to get ideas from others by how they have things scheduled. Also, I hope to add some new pics here soon. Time is something that has to be used so carefully or it flees from you and it's gone. So it's hard to fit in time for things that are lower on the list.

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