Saturday, April 15, 2006

Differences in Years

Our oldest is doing 7th grade language arts and math now. I am really beginning to feel the challenge between the upper grades compared to the lower grades. I am wondering if it's not only because of her being in an upper grade or if it's also teaching two others while watching two preschoolers and keeping house. I am hoping that it's just a transitional stage at any account and that things will run more smoothly. Anyway, on that sour note I guess I'll tell you about what we are doing today.

This is my list:
1) bake bread(baking as we speak)
2) make a requiz for the oldest as her work wasn't satisfactory on the first.
3) Issue prequiz to her, answer any of her math questions, do Dalton's language arts and math with him and phonics and math with Samuel.
4) split the meat that I got in bulk into meals and put in freezer.
5) make laundry detergent
6) prepare 30 sets of clothing to take to the camp meeting and iron James' shirts. This will give us 5 sets each for a 3 day span. I'm all about preparedness!
7) Try to get out to the dollar store to attempt to find something descent to give the SS children as treats for tomorrow. It's hard when the world looks at Easter being about bunnies and eggs... not to mention a lot of the CHURCH falling for it!
8) Find my coffee grinder to grind some spices for a curry tonight. I do hope I can fix it alright..... Yes, it contains the starch, high carb, turns to sugar in your system and gives you a rush, shouldn't eat 'cause it's just not good for you potatoes. Oh yeah, along with the rice that fits in the same catagory.
9) Tomato stake my 2 year old. It's her turn! I told her to move so that Dalton could help in the kitchen and she disobeyed and yelled, "NO!". Oh goody, I think I've met my match! I'm always looking for a good challenge (facetious to the hilt).
10) Read to the younger ones and my four year old is standing here with book in hand as we speak.

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