Thursday, June 4, 2009

Homeschool Thought

With the end of another school year upon us I have come to realize that I am not ready yet. Then I came to realize that I don't think I'd ever be ready for then end of the school year. It seems that I am always thinking that maybe the children could have learned just a little more. Or maybe I should have taught them in a more detailed manner. Even with textbooks, we always add to our learning with additional research through the internet, encyclopedia, books and videos. I wondered how often children are taught strictly from textbooks. How weird to limit your learning to what's dictated in a certain curriculum! As if that curriculum in the final authority in what needs to be learned--- and no more. So, I have concluded that if my children had a conversation with textbook writers and they were able to give them added knowledge of what is printed in those textbooks, then they have really learned well.

And then I had the thought of whether it's really important to remember it all....I mean they can't anyway, as we only remember a certain percentage of all we read, hear and see. So isn't it important for each individual to remember what's important to them? After Brittany having mundane, detailed lessons on fish, birds, etc. it made me think. What really is important to remember? Even in this temporal world, I am developing my own philosphy. I am pondering this and may need to read more to come to a strong conclusion. Any thoughts?

1 comment:

Rosemary said...

It sounds like you and I have some homeschool ponderings in common. I've always stuck to the traditional way of schooling (maybe in the back of my mind I had hoped we would be able to afford private Christian school one day). By sticking to the traditional way, the kids would have an easier transition into a more formal schooling atmosphere. Reality has finally set in this year. I've been fooling myself for years. We will never be able to afford private school. It's all up to me- honestly, that overwhelms me sometimes. But I wonder if my worrying is based on what society thinks my kids should know (or what I think, the public school system thinks, my kids should know.)

I like some of the Charlotte Mason ideas with relaxed homeschooling but that little voice in the back of my head reminds me that I went to public school and my kids need to know at least everything I learned. That inner voice prevents me from branching out and trying other things for sure.

There is no doubt in my mind that God wants me to homeschool but this year, we all are just kind of "burnt out". We needed to school until the end of June to get to the spot in their text books that I had wanted to. Now, I'm wondering if getting to the end of the book is as important as I thought it was.

I'm kicking things around too. I want my kids to learn as much as possible but the way we are doing things just isn't quite working like I had wanted.