Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy Wednesday!

I thought that I'd go ahead and get on here very quick before beginning our day. Once the ball gets rolling, it's hard to post much of anything. :) No complaints--just fact. We live in a busy but fun world around here.

We are all getting along well in our schooling. I am thinking for some they will be done in May and for others, it will be June. Still yet I don't want to come to a complete standstill with the youngers as I am afraid that they will lose what they have learned. Even so, hopefully we won't take too long of a summer. Anyway some learning doesn't feel like work so much anymore since we are using more of the Charlotte Mason methods. I am going to email our homeschool association to confirm but if all goes well we are going to advance Dalton to the 9th grade. He will be in 9th grade work anyway so what's the point of labelling him an 8th grader? Wowsa, the boy could graduate when he's sixteen. We will need true counsel on what to "do with him" then. I pray that our path will be clear and where the Lord leads.

In diet news, I finally passed my plateau! I was stuck at that 150.1 mark, going up a tad but never down below that number. It was discouraging and quite frustrating. Some days I'd just say, "forget it!" but more days I would try to do my best. Then finally it dawned on me that I just might have to lower my calorie level a little lower. And so I did. So I am now past that plateau! Yesterday morning I weighed 149.7 and this morning 148.8! I am THRILLED! I haven't weighed this "little" in almost 7 years. Pretty soon I hope to be the lowest I've been in almost 12 years. My daily goal is to keep my calories below 1000-1200 AFTER exercise. So if I don't exercise then I'll be satisfied with 1200 but if I do exercise then under 1000 is nice. It takes 3500 calories to make up one pound. So with being good 80% of the time, hopefully I'll lose 1-2 lbs. per week.

I have been working on our grocery budget again. Presently I have raised it to $700/month max. I hope to stay closer to $600 but we'll see. :) I am once again researching healthy choices that includes lots of whole grains and fresh vegetables/ fruit. We have meat eaters in this family as well. : ) We are still buying diapers as well and then you include paper products and cleaners... it won't be hard to hit that higher number. I MIGHT begin logging in our grocery spending here. I just hate to begin it if I won't be able to keep it up. We'll see....

Okay, so I need to go get dressed for the day. It'll be a busy one with school, chores, menu/ grocery list making and research, and then church is tonight as well!

Have a wondeful day in the LORD!

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