Saturday, May 29, 2010

A New Culinary "Invention"

I haven't shared, as of yet, about our oldest having her wisdom teeth removed. So I have been challenged to make her food that is soft, yet still yummy. Today I wanted to make chicken enchiladas but thought it'd be a bit too chewy for Brittany. So, I came up with this recipe. ***Warning*** This recipe is NOT a health recipe. It also contains a few convenance foods in the form of store bought tortillas and canned cream of soup. Yes, I know how to prepare both. No, I don't care to make these unless I am in a pinch. Here we are now. I boiled five chicken breasts. Once done I laid them out on a platter to cool and kept the broth. Once the chicken was cooled, I deboned and shredded it with my fingers.

Here are the main ingredients that I used, minus salt and pepper.

Next I cut up the tortillas into dumpling sized strips. I used a pizza cutter for fast work.

I added back in the shredded chicken and turned the fire on again to bring the pot up to a good, hot temp. Whisk in the two cans of cream of chicken soup, two cans chile peppers about a tablespoon of cumin and another tablespoon of garlic powder(or to taste). Sprinkle in some of the grated cheese.

Dont' forgot the salt and pepper!

Add tortilla strips and then cook until they cook into dumplings.

Here's the end result. It was very good! Topping this with sour cream and shredded cheese is optional. Everyone except for one person liked this in our family and he shouldn't count because he turns his nose up to anything that doesn't contain sugar. :)

Next time I think I'll try adding some curry to this but instead of the tortillas, adding rice. Have a wonderful week in your kitchen endeavors!

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