Thursday, March 7, 2013

Meal Plans and Budget

I have not done so good with this so far. The very first day of the month we were out with church work and helping someone with their gas heater. The family didn't get home to eat lunch so we had Wendy's. That blew the budget out of the water. :D So, while I've recorded what I've spent since and we've done fairly well, it seems like we're still behind since we ate out on the first day. It's all okay but I just don't know if I want to share right now.              


Anonymous said...

real life happens! You were working at the church AND helping someone in need with that water heater. You've got to give yourself some Grace too :D


Susan said...

Heather, thank you for the reminder. :D Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

This blog and yor youtube videos have been such an encouragement to me! I'm thrilled that I could have said anything that would help you :D


Dana said...

I agree with Heather life is unpredictable and things happen.
Don't feel discouraged and not post your totals because of it. Like Heather said allow yourself a little grace, not one of us is perfect and everything each and every day is a learning experience. So you ate out on the first day of your budget, well if you did obviously you had the money somewhere to pay for it or you wouldn't have in the first place.
Maybe this will make you feel better, ME miss we have to pack dh's lunch because we can't afford for him to eat out forgot to refreeze his ice packs and I didn't freeze his 1/2 bottle of juice so I could add to it in the morning and when I got up yesterday morning ,there was NOTHING I could do to pull it off, so he ate out, and its all my fault but that money he spent was in the bank and yes it could have went for something else but it went to feed him instead and that is ok too. Don't beat yourself up, if showing us that you blew your budget eating out does anything it shows that your a human being, capable of both greatness and shortcomings and that makes you normal!! Susan I have learned so much from being friends with you over the years, you are an inspiration and I'm glad to have you as a resource!!! Blessings Dear Friend!!!

samuel99 said...

Thank you so much, ladies, for your sweet kindness to me. This does make me feel better. :D I hope y'all have a great weekend. Hopefully I'll start posting my budget again soon. Blessings to you and yours! Love, Susan

Susan said...

Oh and the above comment is from me on one of my sons' accounts. :D