Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Monday and Tuesday

Monday we woke up as usual. I worked hard at cleaning up the weekend mess....I scraped and vacuumed the cracks in the heart pine floors, used the vacuum hose to vacuum the area rug, dusted and glass cleaned the living room, did a few loads of laundry, swept and mopped the bathroom, mudroom and kitchen. I cleaned the back bathroom, made breakfast and lunch. Then I was ready to do school in the afternoon. James called at 1: 05 and told me that he was planning on getting off work early enough for our whole family to go to the Low Country Fellowship. It is a preacher's fellowship that is for pastors and church members. The services are always great! Anyway so.... no school today! We're going to church. I believe we made it at 3:00 or so...

Tuesday, we woke up as usual. I made muffins for breakfast today. I dumped in apple cinnamon instant oatmeal packets into the recipe. The muffins were good and flavorful!

We had school and it went well. By the end of the week we should be caught up from missing Monday. With doubling up here and there it is not hard.

We did some chores, including gathering the eggs. It looks like our "Easter egg chicken" is laying. She was a surprise chicken last fall. We didn't even know a hen was setting but she hatched two chicks. One was killed by something but at least it was a rooster. Fortunately the baby hen made it. ANyway a few  of the hens do not lay in the boxes as they should and we found their next. I did the float test and all were fine.

After chores we went to play tennis and basketball. Gloria had fun on some monkey bars and turning a gazillion cartwheels. She is good at them too. :) After a while we came home and I made supper of chicken alfredo. A few of the children went to a revival in the evening. When they arrived home, we went to bed. 

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