Thursday, December 29, 2022

December 27th Reset

 Happy 2022, almost 2023! I hope you're all doing well. It's been a minute since being here but I am ready to begin blogging again.  I believe I need to journal in one way or another so this is a nice place to be. So much has changed in my life since visiting last. 

I guess I will start with grocery budgeting. I am hoping to keep a running total for 2023. Let me start by saying that we are pretty well stocked on lots. I have made a challenge of spending $50 a week for 5 weeks, with using pantry  and freezer items.  I began this today. At Aldi I spent $20.54 and at Walmart $24.82. That's $45.36. I have over $4 if needed this week but otherwise I will move it to next week. 

I am hoping to figure out how to post pictures on this blog from my phone. We can only hope! 

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