Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Tuesday, October 25

Bethany and I just woke up from our nap. I am spoiled by my naps! We took an early one today. It seems I am so tired this week. This happens periodically and the whole family adjusts. Yesterday was a true blessing. I had went to lay down with Bethany for nap and when I woke up the children were all so very quiet in the living room doing theirschoolwork!!!!! This was a purely voluntary thing. Even the three year old was looking at a book. I thought everyone else had went to sleep with as quiet as it was.

It has turned right cold here! I am not ready for this and was hoping for Fall to stick around. This season always seems rather short to me. Our new heating and air system is being enjoyed immensely. No having to worry about getting up in the middle of the night to stoke the fire. Oh, but we will use the stove this winter as there's nothing like a good fire blazing to keep warm and toasty!
This past Sunday was one month since I had Martha Joy. I would have been 5 1/2 months along now. I remember this past summer a sweet older lady telling me about her children and how well all of them have turned out to be in life. She went on to tell me that she contracted the measles while expecting another baby and the baby died. I think she stated that she was 5 months or so. I find that something that she told me this while I was expecting the very one that we were to lose. Then I thought about how, even in her old age, she still remembered her baby and how the loss was still felt.
Have you ever been so sad and down in the valley and you know that it had to be the LORD to carry you. The Lord carries me through this. It's the Lord that helps to make you smile when you want to cry and put a pep in your step when you want to throw in the towel for just a little while. And it is the Lord that allows you to rest at night and cry on His shoulder and talk to Him when it is quiet. My husband is my very best friend and I couldn't have any better but he cannot do what my Lord can do. No one can do what our redeemer can do. Do you know my Lord?
A sweet family we know is going through a hard time right now. Their baby is sick with a heart condition. They are still walking and smiling. How do you think they can do this when their baby is facing surgery? Until you are in those shoes you can't see how they stand it. The Lord gives grace in a time of need. Why would people reject such sweet grace? Why wouldn't people want His calm in their storm?
Okay, enough for now. My family awaits me to boss them around for a while. I have to get things in better shape before these messes suck the joy right out of me. Since after lunch it's became way past my comfort level.

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