Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Tuesday....or is it Monday?

Today is like the beginning of the week for us I suppose. James was off yesterday and so we didn't get in much academics. I really am having to build up motivation during this stage of time to get things done. I think we will hit "benchmark" in time though. We have to double up the math and get school in this Saturday as well. Oh, how I'd love to have it "together"! Hopefully this coming year will be THE year. I do think that this year is better than last. So we're improving at least.

Well, yesterday we were blessed to do a wee bit of shopping. We finally, finally, finally got a 6 qt. oval crockpot!!!!!!!! Of course I had to use it yesterday and I cooked 15 Bean Soup with ham and cornbread. Today I am going to fix crockpot chicken in our new, big one and maybe mac n' cheese in our smaller, old one. Or maybe I'll just save the mac n cheese for another meal..... I have some meals lining up for that new crockpot! I had been looking for the longest time in the thrift shops for one but with no success. We also bought Brittany some new tennis shoes. She so needed them! The girl wears the same size as me now.... she's eleven. The child is gonna' have some big ole' feet! So, maybe we can share some shoes sometimes. LOL

Oh, the housework! I am behind in the laundry department and so will have to grab the bull by the horns and get busy. So that will be the main chore of the day along with general maintenance everywhere else.

We have reserved our place for vacation in May! I am so excited about going and so excited to catch up with old friends. I have to pick my friend's wise brain on how she gets it all in. The woman stays with it!!! She's so focused. I must focus so I shant perish!!!! Anyway, I am so looking forward to the whole thing. We are in the planning stages which is fun as well.

Okay, it's time for Samuel's phonics lesson and Dalton's math lesson. Brittany is on her math right now. Then to do our multiplication drills. Even Samuel is in on it now. He's learned his 0s and 1s! I plan on teaching him as early as he wants just so long as he can tell the difference between adding and mult. symbols.

Have a great day everyone!!!!!!!

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