Monday, May 8, 2006

Monday, May 8

Okay, so much to do tomorrow and I am just really overwhelmed. I guess I need to get my ducks in a row here. So here's my priority list for tomorrow.
1) Breakfast
2)mop floor around dining table
3) Read with Samuel while the two older ones read some of Romans
4) Have the olders to do some math.
5) Mom: pick out clothes for the Low Country Fellowship in the afternoon
Britt & Dalt: fold laundry
Jesse and Beth: blocks, color, puzzles
6) Have the children play like mad people to release that energy while I scrounge up some vittles for lunch. I think that'll be tostadas.... fattening but yet very satisfying.
7) Eat lunch and all help with kitchen cleanup.
8) Get ready to go to fellowship, do a quick clean sweep of livingroom, swoosh toilets, get trash to road for pickup and leave. That's it as we will be gone the rest of the day and not get home till later tomorrow night. It'll be interesting to see how much of my over-ambitious plan we get accomplished.

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