Saturday, July 1, 2006

First Day for 2006/2007!!!

Well, tomorrow begins our new school year! This will be our nineth year homeschooling and I am pretty excited. I have the newest schedule made out and it should last us until James begins a new job, which could be the end of September or beginning of October. Things are packed from 6a.m. till 10:30 p.m.. Leisure is not a word for a homeschool mom of many. I do have scheduled a nap every day. It makes for a more cheerful mom when you can recharge and get your bearings straight again. It's good to maintain that vision and be clear-minded.
Anyway, we have all the curriculum except for Brittany's science. I believe she can start it online anyway. I remember the beginning being online and so that will help. It looks like, at least for Brittany that she will have history and science every day now. I hope she doesn't think of 7th grade as too tough. I tried to pick the best curriculum for her to learn well and to fulfill out goals.
I plan on us having just four day school weeks for the most part until after I recover from the baby. Speaking of baby she/he is already on our newest schedule.
Well gotta go and get movin' before evening worship services. Don't wanna be late.

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