Friday, June 1, 2007

June 2007

Jun. 9, 2007 - Long Time, No Blog
Man, it's been forever and a day since updating this thing. It seems that time is precious in this household. Despite finishing school on May 31st it doesn't seem as summer break has begun. I had been battling a urinary tract infection(so I suspect) and it got to the point that I was running to the potty every 30 minutes, night and day. I was making gallons, it seemed. So I finally gave in to going to the doctor. But, what doctor??? I have my usual OB-GYN but since I am not preggo I don't think that would work. We don't have a family doctor. We don't get that sick around here to need one. PTL!!!!!! So, I just chose the one in the closest vicinity to our house. Slick, ay? So long story short; they thought my kidneys were malfunctioning and he couldn't figure out why. He ordered a blood test and for me to come in for a follow up two days later. Meanwhile I was taking antibiotics. Even though an infection didn't show up he said it's probably because it was so diluted. I began feeling better after beginning meds. So I went back for follow up and my urine was better. He said he was hoping that I was a good scientific case and that he thought he had something interesting happening. He said that I was not interesting afterall and to get out of his office. End of story. Don't you love happy endings?
And so school should be done for another year right? WRONG! I still have to log EVERYTHING in for three students, 180 days each. So I am waiting for a good long break in between food, dishes, laundry, snuggles, picking up, mopping, giggles, gardens, lawns and aches healthy exercise. My goal is to have it done in the next two weeks.
Then this week we have two birthdays. Tomorrow we will celebrate Samuel's 8th birthday. Now, granted I have affectionately given him the name of "Carb Boy". If it's white, he likes it....he knows and loves his starches.He has requested a meal of turkey(yes, that's right...turkey!), dressing(carbs) and gravy(carbs), butter beans(carbs) and macaroni and cheese(carbs, carbs, carbs). I am going to attempt to decorate his cake(carbs) tonight. I will cook everything tonight except the beans and fix those as soon as we come in the door from church.
Our oldest is turning thirteen!! I am disgusted that she would do this to me. I thought she loved me and now to find out she's growing up on me just makes me weep. I told her as a wee baby not to do this. She's making her celebration very easy. On Wednesday we are having banana splits and other ice cream concoctions. That's my girl! We'll be enjoying that before heading off to church.
Next week we are going to be having VBS. So in the midst of this other chaos I am getting ready for that. It seems there's a lot of prep work this go around but the projects are so cool. I am excited about reading the Bible with the class and getting into all the many wonders that are held in store there. So needless to say, that week will be consumed with nothing but that along with the usual dailies.
Then hopefully the NEXT week will be a true BREAK! We shall see.

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