Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday's Happenings

Happy Monday! I have been busy with lining up what we need to do and when for this coming week. Boy-howdy, do we have a humdinger of a week ahead of us! In addition to our usual chores and school we have Christmas party, dentist appointment, library trip, church visitation, Christmas play practice and then on Sunday church and play. Just the idea of getting us dressed for all these events makes my head spin. I truly will have to take one day at a time, but with still planning each step in the future. I've been spending some of today lining up meals and a mini-schedule to fit it all in.

I was able to plant some more seed today and I feel that the person was very receptive. Please pray for this person to come to accept the Truth. I am so excited with all that the Lord has done in our lives and the lives around us. Nothing is sweeter that the fragrance of Jesus.

I'll have to post some pictures soon, but of what? Maybe I should post "a day in the life of our family"? I don't know and will have to think on it.

Okay, I need to go and get the bread going and then have a nice shower!

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