Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I'm sitting here enjoying some afternoon, albeit a little weak, coffee. :D I spent a very busy hour or so in the kitchen whipping up supper of turkey pot pie, some granola for breakfasts, and some haystack snacks as well. I hurried and worked as fast as I could, washing things up as I buzzed along. Then I hurried-scurried and mopped the floor of which I didn't get to yesterday. While working I thought, "Wow! Wouldn't it be neat to be able to whip up three meals a day in all of one hour and have the kitchen cleaned and mopped to boot???". So, I am pondering on this and might make this our goal for most days anyway. It seems the more experience you have in cooking, the faster and more efficient you become. blessed hour in the kitchen a day. Wowsa! I am thinking, "you know, we have leftovers many a day for lunch and I can always mix up things for breakfast the same time I make supper...". I might have to write out a plan and share later.

Besides what I all the other cooking mentioned, I put some pintos to cook in our electric roaster around lunchtime. I found this neat idea on youtube not too long ago. So now I make big batches of beans, use some and freeze the rest. I am guessing I have about 4-5 pounds in there cooking now. After rinsing the beans I put them in and fill the roaster, well above the beans as beans absorb a lot of water. I fill our roaster about 1/3 up with beans. Then I let them cook all day, just like in a slow cooker. Works great for us!

School went pretty well today. It wasn't as intense as Monday and Tuesday this week for the little ones. Still, they touched on the basics and that's good for today. I wanted them to get in a nap since we have church tonight. That way they wouldn't be nodding off during the service. The olders worked on their school pretty much on their own, I think getting five subjects in each. I'll check their progress tomorrow as usual.

So, here it is, a little after 5:00pm. We need to begin loading up at about 6:45 to make it to church in time. I'd better begin baths and getting every dressed! Hopefully they can catch a quick bite to eat before heading out. Then, I'm sure they'll want a snack when we get back. Then it'll be time for some blissful slumber.
Have a wonderful evening in God's richness of grace.


Cheryl said...

It is nice to get that much accomplished. You have got me thinking as well. My day got thrown off schedule by going to the dentist.

It is nice when the olders do school mostly on their own. I have helped some of my girls today.

Have a great night at church. I hope to eat before we leave around 5:50 or so. We are having cabbage stew and fresh rye bread.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the beans-in-a-roaster idea!