Friday, April 5, 2013

Happy Friday, Y'all!

I hope you all are having a great Friday. Ours is going fine. Okay, so this morning I went to the produce stand and spent $8.07. I am up to like $418 now. I am at a goal right now. I want to allow myself THREE stops to a grocery store/stand, etc. for the rest of the month. The rest of the time I want to use what we have here at home. I figured that this will be one grocery store run and then one produce stand run....nothing to a massive dollar amount either time as well. Perhaps we can keep this down to $475 this month. If we can do this then I will be thinking that $450 average will be our new trend.

The Reid's sale I went to was awesome. They have either a one or three day sale every month or two. So I wanted to enjoy this while we could. :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

e to keep a pkg of chicken, lots of grilled hot dogs, and about 24 hamburger patties that weren't even cooked. I will be working on our menu plan to utilize what we have and HOPEFULLY be able to buy really good deals for the next few weeks! Hopefully :D
Hope youre successful as well.
